Passion for nuts

Everyday we want to provide you with the best natural nuts with no added salt and dried fruit with no added sugar (containing only natural sugar).

We started our business online because it is the only way to provide true lovers of nuts and dried fruit with their supply of natural food in large packs (1 kg, 2.5 kg) at affordable prices, directly at home.

We love our land and those working on it: this is why we are involved in agricultural projects aimed at supporting high-quality agriculture and local producers.

We are committed to the environment and have set ourselves the goal of reducing the use of plastic in all our packaging material. Over 100 selected products that have received more than 1,000 reviews from our community encourage us to continue with our commitment towards all lovers of nuts without added salt and dried fruit with no added sugar (containing only natural sugar).

Why Nuturally?

Only large packs

Large formats mean to us affordable price and reduction in the use of plastic to protect the world we are living in.

You will find 1kg and 2.5kg formats, which are ideal for your personal stock of your favourite nuts and dried fruit.

Only natural food

No added salt or sugar, we promote a healthy lifestyle and minimize alterations to the products to preserve the nutritional properties, the food values and the excellence of the organoleptic qualities.

Without special offers you are always free to choose your favourite products

Affordable price means to us offering nuts every day at the fairest price for everyone. We want, on the one hand, to place the proper value on raw materials to obtain a quality product, on the other hand we want to fulfill your needs. For this reason you will not find special offers or discount codes.

With Nuturally you can contribute to our projects:

Respect for raw materials

To us respect for raw materials means not modifying the product, but offering it everyday in a natural way, just the way it is. It is a new way to experience food: respectful towards seasonality, healthy and well-balanced.

We support the Italian agriculture

One of our fundamental values is the enhancement of the land where we live as well as of Italian products. We support small Italian farmers who care about the authenticity and wholesomeness of products, putting nature, respect for people and land at the heart of every choice we make.

Our commitment towards enviroment

The first step towards the protection of the environment is the reduction in the use of plastic: we decided to offer mainly 1kg and 2.5kg formats, thus eliminating large quantities of plastic from our packaging materials. We evaluated the sustainability of our energy needs: 100% of the energy we buy is obtained from certified renewable sources. We joined the UN 2030 Agenda by supporting the 17 Global Goals for sustainable development.

Guaranteed food safety

Each raw material is treated with respect throughout the whole production chain to guarantee only high quality products. We strive every day to improve our inspections on raw materials, processes and finished products. As a company we are certified for IFS (for hygiene and quality), as well as for organic food.

School projects

We support the community through projects and training courses on health. Educating children about proper nutrition from an early age is one of the values we believe in.

This is why we support “Capitan Bananas e il pianeta Cibosano” an information project on healthy eating in local primary schools by means of various editorial projects dedicated to children.

We are Euro Company S.p.A. Società Benefit

Euro Company was founded in 1979. Over the past 40 years our community has steadily grown until today's over 300 employees. In 2018 Euro Company has become a Benefit Corporation. Benefit Corporations are a particular type of companies that, besides their profit-making objectives, also include objectives set for the “common benefit”: a positive impact on society and environment. In October 2019 we obtained the B Corp Certification,™. This certification proves that a company is recognised as complying with B Lab's standards of social and environmental impact, making a binding commitment to 'stakeholder governance' (people, customers, community and environment).

B Lab is a non-profit organisation, which promotes the development of economic systems by creating tools and programmes with the aim of changing the behaviour, the structure and the culture of capitalism. The B Lab Standards are the core of the “B Impact Assessment”, according to which B Corp,™ companies must score 80 points or more to obtain the certification.

By obtaining the B Corp,™ Certification we embarked on a journey of continuous improvement, since, to keep the certification, we (as well as every certified B Corp,™ company) must go through a process of evaluation and assessment once every three years to prove we meet the B Lab Standards.

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